Thursday, December 10, 2009

Update on site progress

Last week, thesmallbizpro team held its monthly meeting and recapped progress to date.  With satisfaction, we can report the following for the period Oct 1 to Nov 30, 2009, even though this blog and our Twitter accounts weren't activated until sometime during the aforementioned period. (And we are novices at social networking as well!)

For the web site - 192 visits with 714 page views and an average time on site of about 3 minutes.

For this blog - 211 visits with 596 page views and an average time of more than 6 minutes on the site.

We made a whopping $.37 from Google Adsense and about $2.40 from the Amazon affiliate program. 

These statistics aren't bad, considering we used no press release, started the Amazon program sometime mid-November, and were slow to adopt keywords and meta tags, etc.  And no Facebook account either!

Can we say our project has been successful to-date?  Yes, I believe we can say that.  We've proven that we can grow a successful web site and blog simply by providing good content and effective social networking.   

Friends take note, if we can do this, so can you!!!  And that's what we're here for: to provide you with a real view of options, available resources, and our experiences with them.

- AJ


  1. Congrats...keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you for the positive comment and of course, for visiting our little corner of the Web.
